How it all started...The METAD coffee groups origin story begins with Muluemebet Emiru, the first female pilot in Africa during WWII. After WWII the Ethiopian Emperor awarded her with farmlands lush with wild coffee trees, in the Harrar and Sidamo regions of Ethiopia. She transformed the Harrar farmland into a private coffee estate, thus forging her family's deep connection to the land and the beginning of coffee cultivation that would go on for generations to come. METAD is managed by Aman Adinew who returned to Ethiopia after many years working abroad at the executive level for multiple fortune 500 companies...
This fresh batch of beans is sourced from the Kenyan open auction system (Nairobi Coffee Exchange), where the quality of the coffee and generally transparent access has been credited for strong prices relative to other coffee regions. Most coffee is grown in the fertile foothills of Mount Kenya. Farmer plots are so small that size is gauged by the number of trees rather than the measurements of the land, which means producers often have more control to strategically pick and deliver only the ripest cherry to their local factory (wet-mill). Factories generally have an abundance of water lending to exquisite...